This is a list of scientific publications, research and papers by A Rocha scientists.

Long-term Studies in the Dry Forest of Pacasmayo (March 2020) – Dr. M. Ángeles la Torre-Cuadros, G.Valdivia Vergaray, J. Verano Cachay, R. Castañeda Sifuentes, A. Damian Parizaca, E. Álvarez-Dávila

Algorrobo Lectures (May 2019) – Anna Goodman

Institutional Brochure A Rocha Peru (April 2019) – A Rocha Perú

Information Sheet – Dry Forest Project (October 2018) – A Rocha Perú

Information Sheet – Esperanza Peace Centre (October 2018) – A Rocha Perú

Children to the Rescue of the Dry Forest (May 2017) –  A Rocha Perú & ContourGlobal

Research on the Dry Forest in San Pedro de Lloc (April 2016) – J. Depenthal &  A Rocha Perú

Teaching Children about Nature (January 2016) – A. McKay and C. Allan

Conservation and Hope – Reforesting Dry Forests in Peru (June 2015) – A. Sifuentes

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